MCDO Development Committees
Agricultural Development | Business Retention & Development | Health, Safety & Education | Housing Infrastructure | Land Use | Membership | Recreation
The purpose of the agriculture development committee shall be to assist the agricultural community in being progressive. The committee will seek out modern skills, techniques, procedures and products to assist farmers to be prosperous and profitable. Activities include meetings, seminars and demonstrations of modern farming. The committee shall always be aware of the needs of the farmers and services needed to continue improvement of our local agricultural businesses.
Chairperson: Mark Hardesty — 419-925-4212
The purpose of the business retention and development committee shall be to stimulate local economic growth by retaining and expanding existing establishments. This committee shall attempt to increase the competitiveness of existing firms by identifying their development problems and helping develop plans to solve them. The committee shall also seek new businesses and work with them to find suitable locations within the community.
Chairperson: Jill Nagel — 419-925-9101 or nageljill7@gmail.com
The purpose of the health, safety and education committee shall be to recognize the community's health and safety as well as educational needs. Seek or create programs that will service these needs. The committee shall assist with programs such as daycare, preschool, job assistance, and elderly care and health related issues.
Chairperson: Lisa Buschur — 419-305-0858
The purpose of the housing committee shall be to coordinate efforts to provide suitable housing for existing residents, elderly residents, and emerging young families. The committee shall assist housing projects that will enable the community to grow encouraging quality young and elderly people to remain in the Marion community while maintaining good housing for existing residents.
Chairperson: Bob Unrast — 419-925-4151
The purpose of the infrastructure committee shall be to coordinate land use, water, and waste water, management of utilities and building facilities so that there may be orderly development of the community. The committee shall work with federal, state, county, and local government agencies, neighboring communities, and other MCDO committees to develop a strategic plan that will encompass the future needs of the community.
Chairperson: Nick Moeller — 619-884-9958
The purpose of the land use committee shall be to strategically plan the use of available land for the community's immediate and future needs. The committee shall assess the community needs, formulate and present alternative land use plans to the community, help the community choose a plan that best fulfills its needs, and assist the implementation of the accepted plan.
The purpose of the membership and promotion committee shall be to promote the organization and maintain and solicit memberships. Other activities shall include: issuing news releases, creating and distributing promotional materials, documenting and archiving the organization's history and progress, and recognizing achievements of community members.
Chairperson: Bob Dippold — 419-305-0128
The purpose of the recreation committee shall be to seek new recreational opportunities for the people in the community. The committee shall coordinate efforts to provide a balance of activities for the age groups that include infants, preschool children, students, young adults, adults, and senior citizens.
Chairperson: Matt Homan — 419-953-2063 or mcdo301.group@gmail.com